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Eat Healthy To Energize Yourself

        Previously, it was thought that as long as you were eating the right foods, you should have been eating three meals a days. However, times have changed as new research has been performed. People have found that by eating five or six meals a day, they are benefiting throughout the day.
       More well-known diets that have earned themselves a good reputation have changed their eating plans, where people are encouraged to eat more meals a day. However, these are not full meals as one might expect, where you would sit down at the table. These are merely snacks, which are sometimes prepared or ready for you, such as an apple or an energy bar for those who are more active.
    People have found that this is the best way to provide your body with more energy. If you think about it, it just seems logical. A big breakfast early in the morning is not what everyone enjoys. Energy foods like a small bowl of muesli may be more appropriate. Back in the day, one had to wait until lunch time in order to satisfy your hunger. For people who are active or who need the nutrients that energy foods provide you with, this is not adequate. You need something in between.
    When people hear of making five snacks a day, or at least a couple which you have to take to work, they are sometimes put off. However, this does not have to be as complicated as that. One can pack in an energy bar, along with a banana, a yoghurt and a tuna sandwich. These are things that you could pack in your kids' lunch boxes.
     If you think of people who suffer from diabetes, you will find that they are always snacking in order to keep their blood sugar levels accurate. This gives them the right amount of energy that they need. If we carry on eating three big meals a day, which consist of take away burgers and fries as a convenient lunch and a big home cooked dinner, we too will have to deal with what diabetics go through.
     Once you start to feel the difference in your energy levels, you will find that the time and effort you take preparing snacks is definitely worth it. You will also adapt to this way of life soon enough and you will forget about your hesitations in regards to the preparation of these snacks.
It was always somewhat of a tradition to give children a chocolate chip cookie with a glass of milk after school. Sooner than later, you would see them bouncing around. There was always a jar of these cookies on the kitchen counter. However, something like this is doing more harm than good. The amount of children that are obese in this day and age is really scary. Change is not easy for kids, but there are ways in which healthy baking can be introduced and kids have not been complaining about these treats so far.
A good healthy energy bar without the fillers that some manufacturers add is an excellent source of nutrition. Have a look at the back to see what is actually inside. Don't eat too many of these either, otherwise you are really going to pile on the calories. Always think of natural sugars instead of energy drinks which are loaded with sugars. If you are going for a run, then have a banana before you head out.
Don't forget about fruit and vegetables. You will be surprised how much energy these foods provide you with. Carbohydrates have always been known to provide one with a huge boost of energy, but they definitely don't have the vitamins and nutrients that certain fruits and vegetables do. Some people have to take special iron tablets, when all it really takes is a handful of spinach every day.
Make sure you use fruits and vegetables in your cooking and baking. You can make mouth watering desserts, like baked nectarines stuffed with roasted almonds or a salad of mango, goat's cheese, cashews and rocket. This is where it is your turn to start becoming creative in the kitchen, using your imagination. You will find there is so much you can do. You will also feel a whole lot better after the meal.
My new mission is to raise awareness of food energy we need for a healthy and fulfilling life.
On my website you can also read more about vegan recipes.

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