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How I Lost Thirty Pounds - Six Steps to Success

                         Generally holidays are fun times when we can let our hair down and savor some of life's good things. Unfortunately we often quickly find ourselves over indulging; eating and drinking too much, and missing out on valuable regular exercise. The result is that we can return from our holiday with literally more "baggage" than we departed with. It then becomes a hard-fought battle to return to what we regarded as normal before we left for our holiday - and to remain that way.
A few years ago my wife and I took an extended holiday to visit friends and relatives around the world. We ate well of course, and drank more than usual; and we spent a lot of time sitting inactive in aircraft, coaches, trains and cars. The inevitable result in my case is that I put on a lot of weight, but it wasn't until I was browsing through some holiday photographs that it dawned on me how much weight I had gained. I didn't like it and decided to do something about it, and you can too. The following steps will help you formulate a plan to lose excess weight as I did.
Step One. Realization and acceptance.
If you like eating and you are not an overly active person you have to accept that you may be carrying around some excess weight that would be good to lose. Realizing that things have to change is an important first step to losing weight You should also accept that in order to lose weight intelligently it has to be a long term commitment. No overnight weight loss crash programs here. Whatever you do has to last for a lifetime - your lifetime, and in order for that to happen you need to manage your weight loss intelligently.
Step Two. Education.
If you know little about how your body reacts to what you eat, then it is time to learn. Do some Internet research about food groups and nutrition, and the effects on bodily health and well being. Learn about glycemic index and BMI. Understand the body's need for vitamins and minerals. Before too long you will be ready to hatch your plan - an educated plan.
Step Three. Planning.
This is a crucial step. Without a plan you will likely go nowhere. To help with this, take a trip to your local supermarket and sit down over a coffee while watching shoppers walk by. Take note of their physical appearance, their demeanor, and what they have in their shopping trolley.
After a while you will get an idea of who you want to be and how to get there. Visualize the new slimmer you. Then take your plan further by setting a goal.
Step Four. Setting realistic goals
If you set a goal to lose thirty pounds in two months I doubt you will realize it, and would more than likely go back to your old eating habits to console yourself for being such a loser. So the goal has to be realistic, measurable and achievable. The important point here is being able to measure your progress towards your goal, remembering that it is OK to make fine adjustments along the way.
Set a goal to reach a certain target weight by a certain time in the future, and to achieve it by losing a realistic amount each month. For example: "I will lose 30 pounds by this time next year, and I will do it by losing two to three pounds a month". If everything goes to plan, by the end of the term you will be at or near your target weight. But make sure your goal is achievable, and the method of achieving it is realistic.
Step Five. Managing and committing to the plan.
During your initial weight loss term you should be changing your lifestyle for the positive without any of the negative implications of losing weight. You must exercise, but not necessarily in a gym to the point of exhaustion. Buy yourself a bicycle and spend exercise times either walking, cycling or doing some laps in the pool. Try to perform anything you do during the day with healthy exercise in mind, for instance climbing stairs instead of using the elevator.
Using your education on foods and diet, design your menus, but be sensible. Eating lettuce leaves each day can hardly be a lifetime commitment. Don't refuse yourself a treat now and then, but make it just that, an occasional healthy treat. Eat plenty of vegetables, and if you find them rather bland and uninteresting, spice them up a bit with non-fattening condiments and enhancements. Choose high protein and low GI foods and eat less more often.
Step Six: Looking back and making adjustments.
By the time you reach your target weight you will have noticed quite a change in your lifestyle. In fact, you will more than likely be into the habit of living a healthy lifestyle. Don't break that habit! Instead take some time to look back at how you achieved what you did. Try to identify what really worked and what things you can improve on. As you make adjustments or changes make sure to monitor their effect and then take appropriate action.
This article is not intended to provide a sure-fire step by step diet plan. What it does aim to do is provide a structure or template for you to work with; a template for life if you like. Eat healthy, exercise daily and you will lose those pounds, and keep them off.
A few years ago I was overweight and lacked fitness and energy. I decided to do something about it, but wanted to lose weight without a strict diet regime or exhaustive exercise - I just wanted to lose some weight and keep it off. I wanted a dietary lifestyle that was intelligent and sustainable, yet still enjoyable. One year later I had achieved my target weight and was fitter and healthier, and, still enjoying what I ate. Five years later I am still at the same weight without starving myself and exercising to the point of exhaustion. You can read my story and many other articles aimed at sustainable weight loss, diet, nutrition and health on my website:

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