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Natural Weight Loss Using Meditation

        If you want to lose weight and keep it off, there are two things you should not do. Most people think that these are the surest and fastest way to lose weight, but the opposite is true. Don't set yourself up for failure.
What are these basic untruths? One is counting calories and the other is dieting.
Weight loss is a very scientific process. If you eat more calories than you burn off, you will be left with extra weight in the form of fat. Simple, right? Not really. Based on that fact most people assume that all they have to do is eat fewer calories, burn more fat and voila, they are thin! The cycle of counting calories is fine, at first. and perhaps it will work, but human beings are not robots programmed to eat according to numbers. There will be days that more food is needed, and days that less is needed by the body.
There will be parties, and holidays, and do you really want to take that little calorie counter with you all the time? Yes, you will eventually memorize what the calorie count is for your favorite foods, and really start feeling like this is working. Until it stops working. It will stop working because you cannot know how many calories your body needs on any given day in order to actualize weight loss. The human is not a computer that prints out your calorie intake or fat burning. It is guesswork at best.
The other no-no for losing weight is dieting. It used to be a yes, but not any more. It's no longer true because the human body is not a robot or a computer. It is a vital, living creation that needs certain nutritional input in order to survive and thrive. Dieting restricts the natural process of hunger and satisfaction of the hunger. It also can leave you deprived of your rewards and treats, which is not supportive for weight loss.Your body and mind need to work together in order to get to the proper weight for your body without neglecting the vitality and health you deserve. Dieting takes the control out of your hands, and gives it to a book, or a program that you bought. The only ones that claim diets work are marketers of diets.
It is much healthier to eat and drink according to what your body needs, and not what someone else is telling you to need. You put the weight on and you need to find a way to take it off. The more natural your weight loss method is, the better.
For more information on how to take the next step in natural weight loss without pills, counting calories, or diets,check out my site on the benefits of meditation for weight loss.
I am a Holistic Therapist currently living and practicing Healing in Tel Aviv, Israel.
I teach Meditation in order to help people heal themselves.
Feel free to check out my site on Meditation and Healing for natural weight loss:
You are welcome to contact me by email with any questions or comments.
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