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Weight Loss Plateau - 3 Tips To Help You Overcome This Issue

              Anyone who has embarked on the journey of losing weight has eventually reached a point where his or her efforts seem to no longer work. This is known as a weight loss plateau. I will share with you here, 3 tips to help you overcome this sticking point and keep heading towards your goal weight.
1. Change Your Workout - This is the number 1 reason why people hit a dead end with their weight loss progress. You need to be changing your workout at least every month at the very minimum. If you don't, your body will become used to the intensity and load of the exercise and will have no reason to change. This can actually be quite fun, as it gives you more variety in and out of the gym. For example, if you have been running 3 days per week, you could change that to bike riding, or if you have been rock climbing on the weekends, you could change that to swimming. It's completely up to you, but make sure you keep you body guessing.
2. Hire a Trainer / Get a Training Partner - Sometimes when we workout alone, we are not as motivated as we may be if we trained with another person. Training with a friend or fellow gym member will give you a reason to show up and the opportunity to you to push each other beyond your usual boundaries. Hiring a trainer is a more expensive option, but they are trained to help you overcome sticking points in your training, such as a weight loss plateau. Try hiring a trainer for 1 session and see how you go.
3. Look For Additional Ways To Exercise - You have probably heard it a million times before, to take the stairs rather than the lift. However, making simple changes, such as this can really add up at the end of the day. Additional ways would include walking while taking business calls or riding your bicycle to work occasionally. It's up to you: You are only limited here by your own imagination.
Hitting a weight loss plateau is never a fun experience, but it is a necessary hurdle to overcome on your mission to lose weight. You are by no means limited to the 3 tips presented above. Keep experimenting with the methods above and any of your own methods until you discover what works for you.
John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit his website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat" instantly at:

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