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Tea - The Healthy Alternative

       Tea has been drunk for thousands of years, the earliest records are in India and China.
Tea is the second most consumed beverage after water in the world. Your typical coffee connoisseur will believe that coffee would be the most popular after water - but this is not true. The juggernaut that is the coffee industry will believe that the coffee bean is king, but in actual fact the humble tea leaf ranks second. This popular drink is ideal to substitute and help you quit alcohol. Tea has stepped up to the plate and withstood the test of time - it has been consumed from ancient times until today. Tea, like alcohol, has been used as medicine, parts of rituals and a social beverage. Throughout the centuries alcohol has evolved, as has tea, to incorporate different flavors and brewing methods. It is an excellent substitute and tool to help you quit alcohol.
The beginnings of the humble tea leaf are believed to have begun in ancient India and China. There are many legends and myths associated with tea drinking - these are often parallel to the stories surrounding alcohol.
One of the most popular myths is about Shennon, the mythical emperor of China. According to legend, Emperor Shennon was drinking a cup of hot water when the breeze blew and some leaves fell into his cup. The Emperor did not throw away his water - instead he continued to sip, enjoying the flavor of the water. Following the chance of the leaves, Emperor Shennon enjoyed his tea so much he continued the ritual daily.
Traditionally tea has been used for medicinal purposes and as a part of rituals - not so distant from the path alcohol has traveled throughout the last five thousand years. As the world expanded and trade commenced in earnest tea traveled the globe making its home in many nations.
Tea began it's influential journey in Asia and China and the neighboring nations were the first to gain the benefits of tea drinking. On its journey, tea reached the Middle East in 1000 - 500BC. Tea took a longer time to reach Europe, and the first recorded instance was in 1650 at the time of the great Western expansion. When tea reached Europe, the popularity of tea took hold.
Tea has many variations and flavors, but the essential basic of tea is the Camellia Sinesis plant. From this one plant, the tea leaves we consume today are produced in their different colors and flavors depending on the age of the leaves and of its buds. Not so dissimilar to the production of wine! You may be wondering if this can be true - the variations of color are extreme - white, black, green and red to name but a few. A perfect example is the white tea and black tea; white tea comes from its young leaves, while the black tea comes from the fully oxidized leaves. Tea's which are also popular are the herbal or fruit infused teas which are readily available. These teas are made with leaves or plant products of herbs which are infused in hot water to make a type of tea or they are regular tea leaves infused with fruit flavors to provide a variation on regular tea.
Drinking tea, like alcohol, has evolved socially and culturally on a global scale. Tea has left its mark traditionally and culturally across the globe as it increased in its popularity. Tea crosses political and social boundaries - it has been the drink of choice for royals and commoners alike. Tea has been brewed and developed for thousands of years and will continue to brew for many more - perhaps its time to consider it as an alternative to quit alcohol.
Tanya U. Ananin

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