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The Benefits of Honey - The Health Facts!

                 Honey is probably the best recognised apicultural product, it is a substance that the bees produce by an elaborate procedure of refinement, where they ingest the nectar and deposit it in their stomach, then return to the colony to surrender it, disgorging repeated times;in this process fermentations, acid and albumen are added to the nectar. It incorporates most of the necessary mineral constituents that our body needs. It has been established by analysis that honey contains more than 180 different nutritional substances.
Beekeeping, or apiculture, is a very old activity. Evidence from Egypt, Mesopotamia and Greece describe ancient beekeeping and honey is also mentioned in the Bible. It was regarded as sacred, and was also used to pay taxes and debts. As well as all this, it was employed as a medium to draw and paint with also. Honey contains proteins, and indispensable minerals and vitamins. It is an energating food, and is also known for its medicinal and therapeutic properties. Honey is easily digested and readily assimilated by humans, comprising a healthy source of energy.
Honey consumed as food is important for the balance of the biological process of the organism. It contains glucose and fructose, which goes directly into the blood, becoming an energetic product. Honey can be used as food, as a natural sweetener and as medicine. After repeated use, it helps in the control of rheumatism and arthritis, prevents many types of respiratory disorders, and aids the digestion. Honey may also be used on the skin and is a constituent for some shampoos. It is used extensively in the cosmetic industry as well (creams, cleaning facemasks, tonics, etc.) because of its astringent and emollient qualities.
Eating honey will improve your quality of life, as it stimulates and increases physical resistance; it is somewhat sedative, and is often used by insomniacs to help them sleep naturally without the use of drugs; it assists in healing, it is anti-septic, digestive and laxative, helping in the treatment of gastritis; it is also an expectorant, combatting coughs. Used externally, it can accelerate the healing of injuries and minor burnings, in addition to hydrating the skin.
With honey - and nothing else, Nigerian doctors were able to cure grievous wounds, burnings and ulcerations of skin in 59 patients, which were previously treated with conventional treatments using antibiotics with no substantial results. First, the doctors collected samplings of the injuries to be analyzed in the laboratory. The ensuing results showed that the infections were caused by common bacteria - therefore being more resistant to conventional treatment - as the Pseudomonad, found often in infections. As a result of these findings honey was applied to the affected areas. One week later, there were no signs of dangerous bacteria in subsequent laboratory tests. For the reason that it is very slightly acid, exceedingly sticky and absorbs water, the honey cleansed the wounds, decreased their size and protected them from fresh infections. According to the Nigerian doctors, honey also has the attribute of being a bactericidal agent.
It has been found to be very effective in preventing, controlling, or even curing the following maladies:
-Respiratory diseases;
-Intestinal disturbances;
-Digestive disturbances;
-Throat irritation;
-Urinary irritation;
-Irritation of the eyes;
-Dental caries;
-Illnesses of the liver;
-Rheumatic pains;
-Physical fatigue;
-Skin burn;
-Stomach ulcer; etc.
The flavour, fragrance and coloring of the honey will vary according to its origin, depending upon the type of flower or blossom the bee has taken the nectar from to manufacture it. The climate, humidity and even the elevation contributing to a particular honey, as well as the type of soil. Just as wines vary, depending upon the variety of grape used, and the situation of the vineyard. Generally, a clear honey demonstrates weak flavour and fragrance, Whilst a honey of a darker color is richer in proteins and minerals.
For information: honey is less fattening than sugar, and is a preferred choice for athletes. The medical profession is agreed that honey is one of the the best sources of carbohydrates and energy for athletes, and indeed most people.
Chris Haycock has been fascinated by bees and the world of beekeeping since falling into a ditch as a young boy and getting badly stung. If you would like to know more about bees and beekeeping it would probably be worthwhile to go to:

Comments :

2 Comments to “The Benefits of Honey - The Health Facts!”

Food Service Australia said... on 

Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextromethorphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

Ayoubou said... on 

@Food Service Australia Yes .. thank you for this add Information :)

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