Many people think that they know everything about nutrition and foods to eat to lose weight, but are actually completely ignorant. However, this is not their fault since the Internet is full of wrong information. This is due to the fact that people posting about health and nutrition related issues in forums have never actually picked up a course on nutrition and weight loss. They simply type what they believe is correct. That is also the reason why most people think that egg yolk is the worst part of the egg, maybe even including you! In reality, egg yolk is the best part of the entire egg!
By throwing away the egg yolks and only eating the whites, you are basically dumping the most mineral loaded, antioxidant-rich and nutrient dense part of the egg! Yolks are so rich in so many nutrients, I will take too long to list them all out.
In comparison, the egg whites are quite lacking in nutrition versus the yolks. Although egg whites contain protein, the yolks are the ones which balances out the proteins and makes it easier to be absorbed by the human body.
However, there is a very common disagreement with my argument, and that is eating whole eggs will increase your cholesterol levels excessively. That is false!
Firstly, since eggs have higher amounts of dietary cholesterol, your body will naturally reduce its production of cholesterol. Conversely, if you do not consume sufficient levels of cholesterol, your body produces more of it naturally since it is important for many bodily functions.
There are many studies recently showing that eating whole eggs will actually increase your good cholesterol levels significantly more than bad cholesterol levels.
Now, we have come to the million dollar question. How does egg yolks help in losing weight?
Although eating whole eggs will result in higher calorie levels than just eating whites, the egg yolks are so dense in nutrients that is actually increases the overall nutrient density for each calorie consumed from eating eggs. Basically, this helps to control your appetite for the day so you will actually consume less calorie overall. Additionally, the healthy fats in egg yolks aid in maintaining a healthy level of fat-burning hormones in the body.
Basically egg yolks are so incredibly nutrient dense, that it will actually help you in losing weight. So the next time before you blindly believe some food is not nutritious or beneficial for your weight loss, research carefully on it first!
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