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Raw Diet Principles

           The raw diet has some basic principles that need to be used as guides. First, this diet implies consumption of food mostly raw. Those wishing to go on this diet should gradually introduce raw food in the diet. This type of nutrition is a complex style, good for health and advocates say, also gives a boost of energy.
Unfortunately, however, those with a messy food program, who often consume fast food and cooked food lovers will find it difficult to adopt this system or will reject it altogether. Raw diet requires time, skill and determination for cooking food dishes daily.
The raw diet is divided into two categories: vegan or vegetarian and omnivorous. Raw vegan diet requires eating exclusively raw foods and heated up to 45 degrees Celsius, only vegetable. Allowed foods are fruits, vegetables, vegetables, seeds and nuts. It also allows use of dairy, eggs and honey.
The raw omnivorous diet is the most balanced of the two subcategories. It allows consumption of raw foods of animal origin such as meat, eggs, dairy, fish and seafood, as well as fruit, vegetables of all kinds, seeds and honey. It doesn't recommended eating raw grains or other raw products such as beans or soybeans that are uncooked.
But is the raw diet a lifestyle or just a temporary weight loss? Raw diet can become a lifestyle for those determined and unfussy about food. In this case, additional weight loss is not itself an end, but can become an adjacent effect. A varied diet is the best option and it is recommended that raw foods should be eaten in combination with cooked food; raw food should represent three quarters of the diet.
Still, this diet can serve both as a temporary regime for body detoxification and as a weight loss program. The body will be more toned and followers say with conviction that after a raw food diet they feel they have more energy. In addition, it is possible to lose weight without have to starve due to accelerating metabolism. Besides, the enzymes contained by raw foods (which are destroyed by heat cooking) help digestion.
How should raw food be prepared? Raw meat can be consumed as such (carpaccio) or smoked, salted and dried, marinated or any other kind of conservation that does not include thermal preparation. Fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds and dairy products can be consumed as such or in the form of salads. Grains are sprouted and the resulted germs are the consumed results.
The blender, juice extractor and food processor should not be missing from the house of any fan of the raw diet. Depending on the recipe, you can cook delicious fruit shakes, sautéing vegetables and juices for health benefits.
Most of those who turned to a raw diet lifestyle chose to eliminate food products containing flavor enhancers, preservatives, additives, artificial colorings and other chemicals.
Risks related to raw diet are mainly of nutritional disorders that can occur and the risk of bacterial infections due to unprocessed food in general and meat in particular. Consumption of foods preserved by smoking (meat and cheese) increases the risk of colon cancer because they contain nitrosamines produced by the smoke.
There is also controversy about the imposition of a raw diet to children, who should not, under any circumstances, be deprived of necessary nutrients for a harmonious development.
Also note that not cooking food increases the risk of ingesting microorganisms that otherwise were destroyed by boiling or roasting. The biggest threats come from animal products (meat and fish) that may be contaminated with bacteria or parasite larvae. Also, unpasteurized milk and raw eggs can be a source of infection. Raw vegetables should be washed thoroughly, as well as fruits. The latter may be contaminated with bacteria, larvae of intestinal parasites and chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides.
Whatever the views of any sides it is known that people were cured even of cancer using diets that at first glance seem drastic. Control over diet is what should prevail regardless of circumstances and opinions. Therefore those interested in changing or driven by curiosity should try to step forward. offers a beginning.

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