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Weight Loss For Young Children - 3 Tips For Helping Young Children to Lose Weight

            Statistics show that as many as 80% of overweight children will grow up to become overweight or clinically obese adults unless they take action to control their weight. Being overweight as an adult can lead to serious health problems such as diabetes, heart trouble, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and emotional problems caused by low self esteem. Weight loss for young children is far easier to manage than weight loss for any other age group; losing weight becomes increasingly difficult as we get older. The following three tips will help you gain control of your child's weight.
1. Encourage exercise
Young children are naturally inclined to play and run about and using energy in this way enables them to burn up excess calories without any conscious effort. There is no need to ban TV or make strict rules to ration viewing times. Simply encouraging more active play for an hour each day can make a huge impact on the number of calories young children will use up. Slightly increased physical activity combined with a healthy diet can be sufficient to bring a young child's weight under control.
2. Encourage healthy eating
Young children should never be put on a weight loss diet unless it is advised and supervised by a medically qualified practitioner. Weight loss diets are notoriously difficult to keep to, and eating a severely restricted diet could result in children receiving inadequate nourishment. Children need three proper meals a day (never let a child skip breakfast) plus two healthy snacks to keep their energy levels up. Snacks are often the culprit when people of any age put on weight; avoid fatty things like potato chips and chocolate and offer children fruit instead. A sensible balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and as little fried food as possible is best for helping young children to lose weight; it is also good for the whole family.
3. Be supportive
It is essential to be supportive towards young children when they are dealing with any problem and being overweight is certainly no exception. Never nag your child about being overweight, or try to be too strict over your child's eating habits. Weight control is a long term project, so patience is required.
Weight loss for young children [] can be achieved painlessly if you are patient, protect the child's self-esteem and provide a good role model. Visit [] for more tips on helping your young child to shed the pounds.
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