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How YOU Can Combine Eating 'Mindfully' With Hypnosis To Lose Weight (Part 1)

       For many people the idea of being able to lose weight seems to involve a lifetime of deprivation and struggle, with most often with little to show for it other than an overwhelming sense of failure. For you, that stops now. Here you will learn how you can combine the power of being mindful of your eating and the use of hypnosis to bring that frustrating cycle to and end once and for all so that you lose weight and become the slim you that you have been striving for. As someone once said "Nothing Tastes as Sweet as Slimness" and that is so true don't you think?
Creating a Healthy Body Takes Commitment
Most likely you already know what foods are good for you, what foods are not, and what poor eating habits you have that have lead to your weight gain and difficulty releasing that weight to be healthier and happier. Yet, you may feel that you lack the "willpower" to really lose weight and keep it off. It is not willpower that you need. You simply need a little help getting your subconscious mind on board to make a real change, and you need to learn a few simple strategies that will help you along the road to success. By reading this article you have shown that you are ready to make a commitment to looking and feeling your best. It doesn't matter how much you weigh or where you live, you can be helped.
Eating Mindfully Leads to Success
Overweight? You are eating too much and the wrong too much! It means that you are eating more than your body needs to sustain it. Assuming that your doctor has found you healthy, with no metabolism issues, the simple truth is that you need to eat less rubbish and more protein in order to lose, and then maintain, your weight.
The problem with many people in today's fast paced, fast food world is that too often we eat absentmindedly, without being consciously aware of what we are doing. Studies have shown that this type of eating causes us to eat far more than we normally would, as we ignore or do not recognize our bodies' cues that we are full. Thus, the first step in your commitment to lose weight needs to be becoming more mindful of your eating.
Mindfulness (which has its roots in Buddhism) is a concept that psychologists have coined to simply mean that you are consciously paying attention to your actions. Many people tend to go through much of life being unmindful, failing to pay attention to the world around them including what they eat. Thus becoming mindful of your actions is crucial in curbing your eating and becoming a healthier you. Eating mindfully draws on the use of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness focuses our attention and our awareness on the "now", which in turn, helps us separate from habitual, unproductive and habits and activities. Mindful eating at every meal helps us discover a more rewarding relationship to food and eating, than we ever contemplated. A kind of nourishment that offers satisfaction on a very deep emotional level emerges. Remember obesity often has an emotional component to it. So how do we do this mindful eating?
Being mindful and eating consciously is as simple as it sounds - you need to be aware of your eating. This means that when you eat that is ALL you are doing: eating. You do not watch television, read the newspaper, or check your Facebook page. You simply eat, paying attention to the smell, the colours, the taste and texture of each bite. Enjoy your food. When you are mindful of your eating habits a few things happen: You enjoy your meal more, you feel full more quickly, and you make better decisions about what to eat. Here is a brief guide on "how" to eat mindfully:
Create a calm relaxing environment in which to eat. Don't eat in front of the TV, or at your desk at work because you end up bolting your food down with hardly any appreciation or awareness of what you are eating. Before you reach for that biscuit ask yourself: How do you feel? Are you comfortable, anxious, bored or maybe even feeling depressed? (Are you thirsty rather than hungry? Sometimes people confuse the two sensations). Simply recognise and accept the feeling, whatever it is, and then observe your stomach: how does it feel? It is easier to digest food and be mindful when you are relaxed. When we accept our emotions they tend to leave us feeling calmer and less likely to pick up that (oh only one won't hurt) biscuit.

Read Part 2 Here ==>

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